Dondrea: I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida and I currently raise in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. I am a Psychiatric Registered Nurse, specializing in Mental Health and Substance Abuse for teens and adults. I began my nursing career in 2007 and have worked in a sundry of areas.
CHRONICLES: Last year you entered into the Home Business industry. Care to share with the readers what you're doing?

Chronicles: So you're an affiliate of a primary entity? If so, where are the products made and distributed from?

Chronicles: Great, so you're an affiliate of YOUNIQUE. What are your long term plans with this venture?
Dondrea: I plan to continue to help others start their own business as well, empower, uplift, and validate and become a mascara millionaire one day.
Chronicles: So you're helping others start their own business in addition to your own? How often do you meet and on what type of platform?
Dondrea: We meet monthly, and have weekly
Younique has an annual conference. This year it is in Chicago 8/15. Different leaders have conference calls and webinars. I meet with my team and my sponsor weekly and as needed by telephone.
Chronicles: Cool, so Younique has performance bonuses and other promotional incentives?
Dondrea: Yes! We have incentive trips October 2015 to Jamaica and sometime in 2016 to the West Indies, as well as free product that you cash for sponsoring new members or for promoting.
Chronicles: Well that's pretty impressive Dondrea and exciting. How can readers contact you?
Dondrea: Here are the different ways to connect with me that pertain to Younique:
Connect with me!
Chronicles: As you know, Diva! is that acronym for "Divinely Inspired; Victoriously Ascending". Please share with the reading audience what those two phrases mean to you?
Divinely Inspired: To be truly moved by something or someone that speaks to your soul and inner most mind. Allowing you to be enlightened about all things awesome and positive about yourself and the action plan to share it with others.
Victoriously Ascending: To achieve your most desired dreams and goals; there is no limit.
Chronicles: Hopefully, well be seeing the name of Dondrea Bryant as a major player in the network marketing as your dreams and goals are achieved in the near future.
A special thanks to Entrepreneur Dondrea Bryant for visit with us this week. If you would like to join her and others as guest here at FB Diva Friday Chronicles please drop a line to the FB Diva Friday message center. It would be a pleasure to have you presented here. Thanks again, have a great week:
Divinely Inspired; Victoriously Ascending...Diva!!
Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014-15
Congratulations cousin! I love the 3D fiber mascara line. I had a little trouble applying the mascara without getting it all on my But with Dondrea's video tutorials, I was able to achieve the look I wanted. Not only is she one of the hottest entrepreneurs that exist, she supports organizations that are raising money for a good cause. Love you Dondrea! Thank you for everything.