Hello! This week FB Diva Friday Chronicles welcomes Pastor and Entrepreneur Corene Jeffery Green.
Chronicles: Hello Corene, thank you for visiting with Chronicles this week. It is indeed a pleasure to have the honor of your presence. Please share with the readers your bio or background info for those who're not familiar with you.
Corene: My name is Corene Green and I grew up in a small town called Bainbridge, Georgia. I am the youngest of seven siblings. I grew up very poor, therefore we did not have a lot growing up, but what I did have was two parents that loved God and instilled the fear of God into us.
I graduated from high school in 1992 and furthered my education at a local college in Bainbridge. I received my associates degree in Early childhood education and then went on to Ashford University and received my bachelor's degree in the same field. I am currently a pre-k teacher but however as God ushers me into a new season of my life that will soon change. After being called by God to Pastor I went back to school and received my master's degree in Theology and am currently working on my doctoral degree in Christian counseling.
Chronicles: How amazing it is that your life has taken the progression that it has. How long have you been in ministry and what are the entrepreneurial ventures that you're involved with?
Corene: I have been in ministry for over 12 years and I serve as
Pastor and founder of Prophetic Kingdom Ministries. As an Entrepreneur
my business is a ministry within itself.
I currently am owner of a business called SPARKLE. Sparkle is a home cleaning, home organization, and home interior decorating business.
I refer to it as a ministry because as I go into businesses and homes I help people to understand the connection between a clean environment and how it ties into your spirit man. When home or business is clean and organized and in place in the natural you can hear God better because your space is not cluttered. When there is an abundance of clutter and filth your spirit man suffers. I take every opportunity to use this business to bring change into the lives of people.
Chronicles: Do you employ teams of workers with Sparkle or is it a one person operation?
Corene: At this current time Sparkle has two employee's that work with me, however my vision for this business is to provide jobs for several more individuals so I can simply oversee the work and not have to actually do the work.
Corene: My name is Corene Green and I grew up in a small town called Bainbridge, Georgia. I am the youngest of seven siblings. I grew up very poor, therefore we did not have a lot growing up, but what I did have was two parents that loved God and instilled the fear of God into us.
I graduated from high school in 1992 and furthered my education at a local college in Bainbridge. I received my associates degree in Early childhood education and then went on to Ashford University and received my bachelor's degree in the same field. I am currently a pre-k teacher but however as God ushers me into a new season of my life that will soon change. After being called by God to Pastor I went back to school and received my master's degree in Theology and am currently working on my doctoral degree in Christian counseling.
Chronicles: How amazing it is that your life has taken the progression that it has. How long have you been in ministry and what are the entrepreneurial ventures that you're involved with?

I currently am owner of a business called SPARKLE. Sparkle is a home cleaning, home organization, and home interior decorating business.
I refer to it as a ministry because as I go into businesses and homes I help people to understand the connection between a clean environment and how it ties into your spirit man. When home or business is clean and organized and in place in the natural you can hear God better because your space is not cluttered. When there is an abundance of clutter and filth your spirit man suffers. I take every opportunity to use this business to bring change into the lives of people.
Chronicles: Do you employ teams of workers with Sparkle or is it a one person operation?
Corene: At this current time Sparkle has two employee's that work with me, however my vision for this business is to provide jobs for several more individuals so I can simply oversee the work and not have to actually do the work.
CHRONICLES: That's very impressive and an admirable goal to have, Corene. What other activities are you involved?

Corene: I am also a songwriter and a recording artist; I have released two Cd's. My first Cd is entitled "Restored," and my second CD is entitled "Faith" will be released in April..And I am an author who has currently published three books.
Chronicles: That's quite interesting. I'm going to break pattern and ask you for an overview of each book.

Chronicles: That's very powerful and an encouraging message for many who have faced similar trials Corene.
Corene: My second book "For Ministry Sake" is a book that is a must read for anyone operating in a leadership role in the body of Christ. In this book I share my life as a Pastor's wife and how I always felt like I did not matter because my husband put the church and the members ahead of our marriage. I share how my life as a pastor's wife was a fake life of putting on the best on Sunday and suffering within silently because I had no one to confide in. Also I share details about how pastor's children are bitter or become bitter over a period of time because so much of that individual is given to church ministry that the ministry at home suffers. I deal with God's divine order for the husband, wife and the children and how we need to get back to that divine order and stop putting our first ministry which is our families on the back burner for ministry sake.
My third book "Faith To Overcome" is a book that was written when I was homeless in 2014; yes in 2014. The book

Chronicles: This is some very timely teachings that you've shared today. And where can readers access your materials
Corine: I am getting ready to release my fourth book and second CD in April. My Cd's are available on I-tunes and my books are available on Amazon, Nook and Kindle.
Chronicles: And you're on the radio and television airwaves as well, correct? Please share what's happening with those ventures?
Corine: "Living Life In Purpose" is a television broadcast
that features men and women of God who are truly living their life in purpose. This show features individuals who have been through hard times in their life but by the grace of God lived through it to be a testimony of faith for our viewers. The broadcast airs three times weekly in five different states and this year I am believing God to expand the broadcast to three more states.

CHRONICLES: Revelation knowledge is certainly an important edification feature of the Christian faith. It's such a Blessing that God meets the needs of his people through your ministries.
Now each week guest are asked to share what the acronym Diva(Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending) means to them. Please share your vision of these phrases?
Corene: Divinely
inspired and victoriously ascending simply means to me that we can
succeed in anything that is divinely inspired by God. As we obey God and
birth forth every dream, every vision that has been placed on the
inside of us we become victoriously ascending. As we obey God he
elevates us to places we never thought we could go. As we are divinely
inspired we must know that in order for us to be victoriously ascending
we must now that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the
world. When the greater one is our top priority we will have victory in
every area of our lives.
Chronicles: And to that I say...Amen and Amen.
I'd like to thank Pastor and Entrepreneur Corine Jeffery Green for this rich time of visitation and I'm sure the readers have been blessed by this dynamic servant of the Most High God. Please visit her resources and support her entrepreneurial ventures. Please join us again next week when we'll have another dynamic Diva...until then, remember:
Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending...Diva!!
Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014-15
Chronicles: And to that I say...Amen and Amen.
I'd like to thank Pastor and Entrepreneur Corine Jeffery Green for this rich time of visitation and I'm sure the readers have been blessed by this dynamic servant of the Most High God. Please visit her resources and support her entrepreneurial ventures. Please join us again next week when we'll have another dynamic Diva...until then, remember:
Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending...Diva!!
Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014-15
This is the most inspirational interview that I have had the pleasure of reading. I am in the process of getting rid of clutter and organizing. You are right about how it affects you in every way. Your Faith is admirable! It gives me hope for all of my aspirations and goals that I am working on. Continue to be a Blessings to others and share your truth! Thank you for your honesty and opening up your life to us. I am encouraged!