Welcome to another week of FB Diva Friday Chronicles, and I'm honored to welcome dynamic Author Aleigha Butler.
Chronicles: Hello Aleigha, thanks for joining us today and for being so diligent in your preparation for this interview. Please share with the readers a little information about you.
Aleigha: I was born and reared in Gaffney, SC. I moved to Atlanta, GA after graduating from high school and obtained a degree in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University. I am a woman who has many gifts and I wear many hats. I am a wife, mother, author, motivator, internet radio host, consultant, independent licensed insurance agent (life and health), dental plans sales rep, networker, and philanthropist.
Aleigha: I was born and reared in Gaffney, SC. I moved to Atlanta, GA after graduating from high school and obtained a degree in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University. I am a woman who has many gifts and I wear many hats. I am a wife, mother, author, motivator, internet radio host, consultant, independent licensed insurance agent (life and health), dental plans sales rep, networker, and philanthropist.
I am a product of a single parent, the late Gloria Smith (through divorce). My mom had a solid support system (her mom-Tecola and her sister, Annie (my earthly mom). Annie was and still is the cornerstone for my mom's family and one of my mentors/role models growing up. I feel that a person should not have to say that they are a Christian, but their life speaks it for them. She definitely embodies that today at 71 years old.
Chronicles: This is quite impressive Aleigha, you're certainly quite busy. Please share a bit more about these projects that you're involved with.
For Me (bilingual learning book in English and Spanish for children), On Fire To Inspire (a book of inspiration and encouragement to bring out the very best you-also available on Kindle and audio cd), and Prayers, Affirmations, and Declarations (available on Kindle in English, Spanish, and French). I am also a motivator that speaks to groups (large or small), mistress of ceremony for programs and events. "On Fire To Inspire" is not only a book, but it is also the title of my internet radio show that airs on
Chronicles: It is quite intriguing that you've gained Presidential recognition for your volunteerism. Care to shed a little more insight as to how it came about?
Aleigha: I received the Presidential Award for Volunteerism through a previous employer for nonprofits. These awards are awarded annually. They were signed by President Bush and President Obama (2009 Award). The rewards were received through my hundreds of volunteer hours with many nonprofits (including March of Dimes, ALS of Georgia, ADA, Angel of God Outreach, Jasmine House Foundation, YWCA, Susan G Komen, and more). I was awarded that award at least 4 times. You receive a certificate signed by the President as well as a pin.
Chronicles: Well deserving Aleigha and you're certainly to be commended for all of your volunteer efforts as you have been. Now you've referred to yourself as a "Purpose Midwife", just what is that?
Aleigha: As a Purpose
Midwife, my goal is to help push a person into their purpose. Too many
people are sitting on their talents and gifts. It's time to stop existing
and start living the life that God created you to live. Stop living in
fear, no more delay, no more procrastinations! The time to start living is NOW! You're
never too old to start pursuing your dreams and goals. If you do something
daily (small or large), you will reach that goal before you know it.
Chronicles: How are your Purpose Midwife sessions conducted; one on one, as regular group meetings, as workshops or in some combination of all of the above?
Chronicles: How are your Purpose Midwife sessions conducted; one on one, as regular group meetings, as workshops or in some combination of all of the above?
Aleigha: As a Purpose Midwife, I do one on one or group sessions. I encourage and impact people to move into a life of purpose. It is time to stop existing and start living.
Chronicles: That's very inspiring Aleigha! How can readers get in touch with you for more?
Aleigha: I can be reached
through all of the social network mediums: Facebook (Aleigha Butler); Twitter:
@authoraleigha; Linked In: Aleigha Butler; Instagram: onfiretoinspire;
Pinterest: Aleigha Butler; Good Reads: Aleigha Butler; Tsu: tsu.co/msonfiretoinspire.Chronicles: To close out the interview, my practice is to ask guest to elaborate on what the acronym Diva(Divinely Inspired; Victoriously Ascending) means to them. So I ask you the same Aleigha, what do the phrases Divinely Inspired and Victoriously Ascending mean to you?
Aleigha: Divinely Inspired & Victoriously Ascending means I am divinely inspired by God to live a life of victory. In doing so, God get the glory out of every aspect of my life as I aspire to inspire ad build up others. I help push people into their purpose and their passion.
Chronicles: And that you certainly do Aleigha. I'd like to thank Entrepreneur and Author Aleigha Butler for being this week's special guest at FB Diva Friday Chronicles. Be sure to click through to her links and catch her "On Fire to Inspire" broadcast either live on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM EST/7:00 CST or catch the posted rebroadcasts. You will certainly be blessed.
Remember, Chronicles is constantly looking for weekly guest. Whatever your story, let Chronicles help you get the message out. You never know what impact your sharing will have on someone visiting this blog. Thanks again for visiting and until next time:
Divinely Inspired; Victoriously Ascending...Diva!

Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014-15

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