Chronicles: Hello Stephanie. It certainly is a pleasure to welcome you to FB Diva Friday Chronicles. I am really humbled and most grateful to have you visiting with Chronicles. Please share with the readers a little background info and what is this project that you're working on.
Stephanie: Thank
you Paul! I never take it for granted when people want to peek in my
world. So I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your FB Diva Friday Chronicles
A little about myself, hmmm....I'm a California native, married, with 2 daughters, college educated and a certified human resources professional by trade. For the past 10+
years, I've been an entrepreneur (Author, career expert, speaker, radio host, and publisher of CAREER Magazine). I now operate in the office of a Success Coach, helping others do what I've already successfully done (usually in the areas of employment, entrepreneurship and publishing).
Chronicles: Thanks, now you have a very special project that you've been working on care to share with the readers when can we expect a release?
Stephanie: A published author of 13 books, my latest project
A little about myself, hmmm....I'm a California native, married, with 2 daughters, college educated and a certified human resources professional by trade. For the past 10+
years, I've been an entrepreneur (Author, career expert, speaker, radio host, and publisher of CAREER Magazine). I now operate in the office of a Success Coach, helping others do what I've already successfully done (usually in the areas of employment, entrepreneurship and publishing).
Chronicles: Thanks, now you have a very special project that you've been working on care to share with the readers when can we expect a release?
Stephanie: A published author of 13 books, my latest project
is called, "Labor of
Love" (everything has to be related to "working or something career
related") and it about the hardest job I've ever had, being a caregiver
to my grandmother, who is 104 with dementia.
Chronicles: Yes, Granny, I've seen a number of your video postings of Granny and they are quite entertaining, as well as inspiring. So how did she come to live with you and your family?
Chronicles: Yes, Granny, I've seen a number of your video postings of Granny and they are quite entertaining, as well as inspiring. So how did she come to live with you and your family?
Stephanie: My
grandmother's children - including my mother - are clearly up in age and
they had collectively made the decision to put her in a home. I could
not bear that happening so I brought my grandmother to my home - - but
was not prepared for all of the dynamics that came along with it. All I
knew was "my granny wasn't going to no home!" (yes I know that is not
proper grammar!)
for a release date (for Labor of
Love), I would like to release it later this year, but I'm actually finishing up another project called, "Married, Now What?" Originally my notes as a speaker for a Women's Conference, but the content was just too juicy not to do something else with it, so I turned it into a book. It's essentially a new perspective on the Proverbs 31 woman, one that proves marriage is a ministry. As I say in the book, "You must be a wife to be a Proverbs 31 woman, but not all
wives are Proverbs 31 women!" It's a little controversial, as the single women could view it as a slight, but it's actually an in depth study which shows that women can be virtuous, without being a wife....the Proverbs 31 woman however, was a wife. I's clear...Her HUSBAND called her blessed. I think it will help a lot of women both single who desire to be married and those who are in a marriage and desire to remain married.
Chronicles: So you're concluding a project on the Proverbs 31 Woman while living in a "Labor of Love" with your Granny. This reminds me of the story of Ruth and her passion and bond with Naomi enveloped in a love story with Boaz. What interconnections do you see between your role as a virtuous wife and caregiver and do they strengthen one another?
Stephanie: When I was younger, I used to think Proverbs 31:29 "Many daughters have done well but you excel them all" was a pass to be know...God said I'm I'm good. But as I matured, I realized that the "all" were the women in the Bible such as Esther and Deborah and who had done great things...but when I became a wife, I realized that while I had accomplished much, my greatest accomplishment in life was being exactly who God created me to be...a wife.
By contrast wife or not, women are nurturers and it's a God-given gift. All mothers are not nurturing, just as all wives are not virtuous. But to be able to be both lets me know I'm doing the work of God! God is trusting me with a great responsibility.
Chronicles: This is a very special relationship that you have with "Granny" as she's known by your followers on Facebook. And you and your family are involved in a work of love as primary care providers for you wish to discuss this?
Love), I would like to release it later this year, but I'm actually finishing up another project called, "Married, Now What?" Originally my notes as a speaker for a Women's Conference, but the content was just too juicy not to do something else with it, so I turned it into a book. It's essentially a new perspective on the Proverbs 31 woman, one that proves marriage is a ministry. As I say in the book, "You must be a wife to be a Proverbs 31 woman, but not all
wives are Proverbs 31 women!" It's a little controversial, as the single women could view it as a slight, but it's actually an in depth study which shows that women can be virtuous, without being a wife....the Proverbs 31 woman however, was a wife. I's clear...Her HUSBAND called her blessed. I think it will help a lot of women both single who desire to be married and those who are in a marriage and desire to remain married.
Chronicles: So you're concluding a project on the Proverbs 31 Woman while living in a "Labor of Love" with your Granny. This reminds me of the story of Ruth and her passion and bond with Naomi enveloped in a love story with Boaz. What interconnections do you see between your role as a virtuous wife and caregiver and do they strengthen one another?
Stephanie: When I was younger, I used to think Proverbs 31:29 "Many daughters have done well but you excel them all" was a pass to be know...God said I'm I'm good. But as I matured, I realized that the "all" were the women in the Bible such as Esther and Deborah and who had done great things...but when I became a wife, I realized that while I had accomplished much, my greatest accomplishment in life was being exactly who God created me to be...a wife.
By contrast wife or not, women are nurturers and it's a God-given gift. All mothers are not nurturing, just as all wives are not virtuous. But to be able to be both lets me know I'm doing the work of God! God is trusting me with a great responsibility.
Chronicles: This is a very special relationship that you have with "Granny" as she's known by your followers on Facebook. And you and your family are involved in a work of love as primary care providers for you wish to discuss this?
Stephanie: Sure,
my Granny (Cosie Hearon) and I have always been very close. When I was
little girl, I spent a lot of time with her. I have 5 older brothers
and no sisters so I enjoyed my alone time with my
granny making tea cakes, eating turnip greens, sliced tomatoes and
going to church. That was our thing. Around 2000, when my granny
was in her late 80's, I brought her to Atlanta because she said, "I've
never been there". She more than likely would have stayed with me
longer, but her daughter got sick so I took her back to California after
about a year. Shortly after her daughter (my aunt) passed. My granny
bought a house in Texas (when she was 90) and the house was suppose to
be for her and her other daughter, who also passed away. This is where
my granny was when I went and got her in 2010.
husband and daughters just fell in line. My husband's mother passed
away when my oldest daughter, who is 16,was just a month old.

My mother lives in Southern California, so my daughters were excited about having a grandmother in the house - - as long as they didn't have to share a room. My grandmother once told me, "she didn't want to hurt me but she would because I was her daughter and messing around with her husband" I guess my husband is her man and they along just fine!
Chronicles: I think we all agree that Granny is "something else". Now, You are quite an accomplished business coach and mentor, what other
projects are you currently working on and how can the readers access
them. Also, do you have any recommendations that would be specifically
for Internet Marketers? (links to videos, mentoring programs and
marketing materials provided here).
Stephanie: I've worked hard to accomplish
Stephanie: I've worked hard to accomplish
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Stephanie C. Harper |
Chronicles: As is the custom here at Chronicles, each visitor is asked to explain what the the acronym, “Divinely Inspired; "Victoriously Ascending” means to them. Would you be so kind as to respond as well?
Stephanie: God Did it! (and there is nothing anyone can do about it). When I think of divinely inspired, the Scripture "it is he gives us the power to get wealth" immediately jumps in my Spirit. Many equate wealth to monetary things, but being wealthy in Spirit, mind, body and soul is the "richest reward" one can have and that can only come from inner peace with God.
Victoriously Ascending statement: This is a new one for me...but my first thought is...From here, I can only go up...and victoriously! Meaning...I'm going to stay on top and I will be victorious!
Chronicles: I'd like to thank Author Stephanie C. Harper for allowing me the opportunity to help preview her latest works "Married, Now What?" and "Labor of Love" which is a tribute to her dear Granny. Chronicles is always looking for individuals to share their story or business interest, so please contact me if you feel this is a venue for you.
Thanks again for stopping in and as always:
"Divinely Inspired: Victoriously Ascending...Diva!"
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