LMichelle Salvant cont.

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LMichelle and Christopher Salvant
I was born on Maxwell Airforce Base in Montogmery Alabama, but was raised in Jacksonville, FL.  I graduated as a Broadcast
Journalist from Florida A & M University in Tallahassee, FL and have worked in Media since  1997.   
Chronicles: So your passion is in broadcast journalism; how has that transferred to your post graduate aspirations?

LMichelle on location with Dr. Nicky E. Collins
LMichelle: My Passion and Purpose collided in 2004 when I began working with Dr. Nicky E. Collins' Ministry.  I will celebrate 11-years in Ministry in January 2015...and see my Love for Media & Ministry being apart of my lifelong Mission of being "Jesus Christ's Publicist!" 

 I work as Senior Aide/Media Director for Life In The Now Ministries & HDChurchTallahassee.  
 My husband and I also own a Media Company/Institute known as LMichelleMedia.co/Institute respectively. 

Chronicles: Clearly you and Christopher have found a platform to
express both your passion and personal walk of faith. What do you want people to know about LMichelleMedia.co/Institute?

LMichelle: They should know that I'm serious about using New Media methods to present a different type of Christian content to the world that focuses on how you "Live What You Believe!". Our Mantra is to show Jesus Christ in Mainstream Media...Jesus Christ Publicity. 

Chronicles: And finally, how can readers contact your ministries and what upcoming activities do you want them to mark on their calendars? 

LMichelle: Sure,  web links are www.lmichellemedia.co www.lmminstitute.com www.jcpublicity.com

Opening Service At Higher Dimension Church Tallahassee…New Location
December 31/10pm www.hdchurchtallahassee.org

Next Year:
Travel w/Dr. Nicky E. Collins/
30 Days To Change…Going From A What To A Wonder Experiences
First stop in January, 
Atlanta Live

#BeSocial Workshops
Beginning February 2015

Black Christian Women Rock
Media Mogul Honoree
March 7. 2015 https://m.facebook.com/SG1BCWR?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FSG1BCWR

Chronicles: Thank you so much Diva LMichelle Salvant for sharing such rich content with our FB Diva Chronicles readers. Best to you in all that you do for Jesus Christ. And thanks to all of our reading audience. Remember we're always looking for Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending Divas to feature on Chronicles...drop us a line so that we can feature you in the upcoming weeks.  

Remember: Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending - Diva.

FB Diva Friday  Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014.

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