Chronicles: So what is life like for you these days, are you still teaching full-time? and what are your favorite past-times?
The front of Gigi's Home |
Gigi's backyard with brick walkway and stone path |
Gigi: I am currently retired and sometimes substitute. I am taking it easy and
like to work in my garden. Two years ago, my yard "victoriously ascended" to Yard of the Month for my neighborhood. Chronicles: Tell us a little about the photos of your landscape. What are we seeing here and what type of plants are shown? Gigi:
The photo to the left is in front of my house. The plants are knockout
roses and clematis, two plants that people can't kill. I do all of the
work myself. The other picture is in my backyard. Those are antique
roses and English Lavender which are very hardy and indigenous to this
area. I also laid the brick walkway and stone pathway. I do all the work
myself. Years ago when I read "The secret Garden" to my students, I got
divinely inspired to try to create one in my backyard. I'm still not
done, gardening is a life time thing.
Chronicles: Impressive. So what are your other interest and what are your immediate or future plans.Gigi:
I like to go out on weekends for karoake and dancing. I am thinking
about applying for volunteer work at Memorial Herman Hospital or at
Spring Branch IDS where my daughter (Patty) works. Chronicles: From your posts, it's pretty clear that you love seafood. Gigi: YesChronicles: What's your most favorite place to eat seafood?Gigi: USA Seafood restaurant here in Houston.
Gigi eating at USA SEAFOOD with my son on Mexican Mother's Day. I was given a chocolate covered rose by the owner. Chronicles:
As you know, the acronym DIVA stands for "Divinely Inspired,
Victoriously Ascending". We've seen how you've nicely assimilated those
two phrases in a couple of your answers. Please tell the readers what
they mean to you personally. Gigi: To me, "Divinely Inspired" means being driven by the Holy Spirit
to do something. It could be related to my personal life, an act of
kindness or to search my soul to get right with God. "Victoriously Ascending" is to reach my goals successfully
according to the Peter Principle because one can only go so far. Doing
the best we can is victoriously ascending. It also means ascending to
heaven at the end of our journey here on Earth.Chronicles:
I'd like to thank Diva Gloria Guerrero for sharing a little of her life
with the Chronicles readers. Remember that we're always looking for
more Diva's to interview, so drop a message on the FB Diva Friday
comments section or send me a personal FB message if you'd like to be
featured. Thanks again for visiting and remember. Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending - DIVA!!
Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014.
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