Chronicles And What do you want people to know about RESH?
SH: My position at RESH Salon & Spa combines all of my education and past experience into one. My job challenges me in every aspect and allows me to be the creative professional that I am while impacting the lives of many on a daily basis. It's actually more than a's the career that I was designed for!
Chronicles OK, that's fantastic, Sonji; How can people access or support you and the staff at RESH?
SH: At RESH Salon & Spa we currently offer hair services and products for hair and skin; Not your ordinary basic salon...RESH is an experience. It's the Rhythm Everyone Should Have! Information about our products can

testimonies and special offers
Chronicles Excellent, and what other activities are you involved with?
SH: Currently, I am helping to chair Newark's (Del) Juneteenth and Homcoming Celebration which will take place in June 2015 at the George Wilson Center. My husband and I will start a non-profit organization in 2015 to give back to those in need in our community. I am also writing a testimony which will be included in a book titled "Our Issues, God's Virtue".
Chronicles And where do you see yourself five years from now?

Chronicles Now we've learned that the acronym for RESH is, Rhythm Everyone Should Have! And of course the acronym used for DIVA is Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending. Tell us in your own words what those two phrases mean to Sonji Hubbard.
SH: To me, Divinely Inspired means inspired from God. It's the voice that stands up inside of us that pushes us alone when our physical and mental being wants to quit. It's the creativity that dwells within. We all house a gift given to us from God. What we do with it depends on our understanding of that voice/inspiration.
Victoriously Ascension is rising to the place where God has called us to be: Executing/living his plan for us.
I would like to thank Diva Sonji Hubbard for stepping up and being the VERY FIRST interviewee for FB Diva Friday Chronicles.
Thanks! for stopping in and remember "Divinely Inspired, Victoriously Ascending".
Paul S. Jones FB Diva Chronicles (c) All Rights Reserved 2014.
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